
My name is Aideen. I’m founder of Five Leaves Creative. My passion lies in Creative Expression and sharing Intuitive Art processes to support expression, connection, insight and joy.

As an Intuitive Artist, Intentional Creativity Teacher and Red Thread Guide, I facilitate Intuitive Art Circles & Intentional Creativity® Painting Workshops, both aligned with Nature’s cycles.

I also offer both one to one and group Creative Co- Mentoring Sessions, designed to support you through challenge and difficulty or find more clarity around your purpose, vision and path.

My approach to Creativity is Intuitive, Somatic & Process- based, using body-based energy awareness, Nature’s cycles, Inquiry & Intuitive Art to gently connect us to the vast wisdom within, to our own deep expression and insight, to our innate Belonging in Nature and our wholeness & Joy through shared Art process in Sacred Space.

The themes of my workshops are based on Embodying our Wholeness, Empowering our fullest Expression & Reclaiming the Feminine through Intuitive Art in sacred space, exploring archetypal herstory, mythology, legend & creating with the Celtic Wheel.

These offerings are intended to be nourishing, empowering, transformative & joyful for each participant.

My background is in Education, History, Healing Art, Nature Craft, Yoga & Meditation along with a wide-range of Somatic healing approaches I have researched, studied and practised for over 25 years.

I’m a Primary school teacher with many years experience working with all ages, mainly in Special Needs Education. I have an Honours degree in History & Sociology and a PostGraduate Ceritificate in Education, specialising in Early Years. I’m a member of the Teaching Council of Ireland.

Im a certified Hatha Yoga Teacher & Children and family yoga teacher. I’ve trained in various Meditation & Mindfulness approaches and have a 25 year daily practice.

Over the past 12 years, I have trained in somatic approaches to Healing Art with the amazing Marie Perret, creator of ‘Art Synthesis’, a practice that deeply connects the body, meditation practice and spontaneous expressive art and influenced by Jungian approaches to Creative Expression and wholeness, Buddhist principals & the teaching of energy healer Bob Moore, who Marie Perret trained with over many years.

I’m a certified Intentional Creativity Teacher (Color of Woman 2020) and offer Intentional Creativity layered Painting Journeys based on stories of the Feminine, aligned with Nature’s cycles and designed to connect each participant with their deep truest expression of Self by connecting the body, creative expression, Nature, Story & Inquiry in Sacred Space.

I’m also a certified Red Thread Guide and hold regular Creative Circles for Women, as well as Art & Nature workshops for children and families.