Creative Sanctuary Sessions

Individual Creative Sanctuary Sessions

An invitation into a deeper relationship with your Creativity, Intuition & inner guidance to bring clearer direction, empowerment and expression to all of or a chosen area of your life.

In these Creative Sanctuary Sessions, we focus on your chosen theme or life area you would like support with, from health to life purpose to heart-led business, relationships and general wellbeing. Using gentle body- based awareness practices, inquiry and intuitive art processes, we work together creatively to best support you find your own clarity, insight and empowerment through challenge, indecision and fear.

Online via Zoom.

Please email me at for further information.


“Aideen is one of my special blessings of 2020. I’m so grateful that she came into my life, with it she has brought a sense of belonging and connectedness, that I was longing for.

Aideen is supportive, encouraging and holds space for women to show up and be seen as they are. It’s ok to be exactly as we are.

Aideen offers beautiful skilful meditations, that really enable you to connect inwards to higher guidance and with the divine, space to share as much as you feel comfortable and opportunities to create intuitively. I find all the sessions I do with Aideen very healing.

Aideen did some one to one work with me before I had some complex surgery recently. I would highly recommend connecting on a one to one basis. It gives you the opportunity to work on any issues, in a safe creative and healing space. Here is some of the recent work that has come out of my sessions with Aideen” – Barbs