Celtic Creative Circles

The Celtic Wheel, made with natural dyes & nature items from my garden, overlaid with Five Leaves Curriculum & Circle themes of the Celtic Wheel of the Year.

Five Leaves Celtic Creative Circles are Inquiry based Process Art Circles to mark each turn of the Celtic Wheel. They are part of my ongoing ever-emergent curriculum project ‘Creating with the Celtic Wheel’ ยฉ

2025 is the 6th year of these Circles being held online and occasionally in-person.

Provisional dates for 2025 are as follows: (they may alter slightly depending on my work schedule)

Imbolc Sunday 2nd February

Spring Equinox/ Sile na Gig Tuesday 18th March

Bealtaine Thursday 1st May

Summer Solstice Thursday 19th June

Lughnasadh Friday August 4th

Autumn Equinox Sunday September 21st

Samhain Tuesday October 21st (Lunar Samhain)

Winter Solstice Friday December 19th

Weekdays at 7pm – Weekends at 4pm.

To book your place, please email me @ aideen@fiveleavescreative.org a few days before each event. Or email me to be added to my very occasional newsletter to hear up to date news on each Circle.

Suggested donation in attending each Circle is ยฃ15/โ‚ฌ20๐Ÿ™

This contributes to costs of running groups online, my time preparing and often a charity close to my heart.
If you are financial hardship, do contact me to donate an amount you can make with ease.

Imbolc 2025 Circle Crayon Sketch – My work in this world expanding into its fullest expression.


For March 2024, I have 2 Celtic Creative Circles coming up for Spring Equinox. One in-person in County Clare on Monday March 18th and my regular Spring Equinox online Creative Circle on actual Equinox, March 20th at 7pm.

March 18th is the feast day of Sile na Gig, a day once much celebrated here in Ireland until the Famine years. In alignment with my hope to revive feminine symbolism, qualities and imagery in our culture and way of being, I will be celebrating her and sharing her her-story, mystery and mythology in both these Circles, along with the connecting Equinox themes of Opening to Life, Balancing inner and outer worlds and Embracing our Expression.

As usual, I will bring together her-story, feminine mythology, symbolism, legends & traditions of each festival along with guided meditation, inquiry-based Intuitive Art & a Red Thread sharing Circle.

Always a joy to co-create these Creative Circles and witness such inspiring shares in a gentle loving space together.

These Circles are recorded and on occassion shared with regular trusted Circle attendees. By signing up you agree to the Circle being recorded and shared privately with regular participants.

Suggested donation in attending is ยฃ15/โ‚ฌ20. To book your place please email me at aideen@fiveleavescreative.org ๐Ÿ™
If you are financial hardship, please contact me to donate an amount you can make with ease.

#intuitivesketch #creativeimage #rose #celtic creative circle
Lughansadh Creative Circle Crayon sketch & Hazel wand, August 2020.

Each Celtic Creative Circle brings together her-story, feminine mythology, symbolism, legends & traditions of each festival along with guided meditation, inquiry-based Intuitive Art & a Red Thread sharing Circle. They are aimed at connecting us more deeply with Nature’s cycles, empowering direction, insight, expression & joy for each participant as well as support the collective awakening of the sacred feminine within each of us ๐ŸŒน

Online Circle dates for 2024:

Wednesday February 1st: Seeds of Imbolc & the Blessings of Brigid
Monday March 20th: Spring Equinox Creative Circle ๐ŸŒ€
Wednesday May 1st: Bealtaine Creative Circle ๐ŸŒธ
Thursday June 20th: Summer Solstice Creative Circle
Thursday August 1st: Lughnasagh Creative Circle
Friday September 20th: Autumn Equinox Circle
Wednesday October 30th: Full Moon Samhain Creative Circle
Friday December 20th : Winter Solstice Circle

Weekdays at 7pm ๐Ÿงถโœจ๐ŸŽจ

Please note: All Five Leaves shared teachings, meditations & written content, unless otherwise stated, are for personal use only. Unless you have taken a paid training with me that specifies sharing permission, please ask and credit my work if you wish to share or use any of my content including my creative meditations and inquiry processes in your paid work ๐Ÿ™

Homemade inks for Five Leaves Intuitive Art Circle, 2021.