Honouring our Value

Honouring the value of our Creative Work

Deep in preparation for Five Leaves annual Selkie IC Painting Workshop tomorrow🦭✨🌀

And loving it 💜

Here is the background portal of my teaching preparation painting 🎨

Themes we’ll be exploring include: 

✨Listening to the call of the Old Seal (soul) to return home ✨

✨Accessing our nourishment, renewal & joy regularly✨

✨Protecting that which gives us renewal, honouring our natural rhythm & coming home to ourselves 🌀

Creating frameworks for initiation through story, Guiding journeys to access our own depth, insight, wisdom & expression, along with holding space to reclaim our lost or neglected parts back into a state of wholeness and witnessing the process of expressing these layered aspects on Canvas are all part of what give me huge fulfilment in offering Intuitive Painting workshops ✨

And my absolute greatest joy is in witnessing the women who join me and trust me to guide the journey 🙏💕🌀

Witnessing what emerges on each canvas through these processes gifts me such wonder, meaning and deep happiness♥️

As I prepare for my Selkie workshop, central to my awareness is the concept of value and honouring ✨ 

Valuing myself and the work I offer ✨

I’m guessing this resonates with many women as I know dozens who put their heart and soul into their Creative Offerings, who are doing the quiet unseen work of reclaiming their space, their own nourishment, their expression, value, voice & true language in their own way, and curating a structure for their vision as they share powerful & healing Creative Offerings with the World ♥️🎨✨

So today as I paint, prepare & create I am honouring all the women I know who offer creative healing intuitive space-holding, guidance & teachings for others 💜

  • while juggling other jobs
  • While holding space for family, co-workers & friends
  • While project/ managing households
  • While being loving present mothers
  • While doing the vast behind-the-scenes work that goes into invisible work
  • While bringing all of themselves on the journey into being seen
  • While working to heal vulnerability as it arises within, so they can fully own their immense creative power and share what is theirs to share.

I honour you ♥️🧶♥️

Naming all we do, to me, is such a foundational aspect of ‘Reclaiming the Feminine’ (my current creative offering) – making the vast ‘invisible’ yet powerful work we do as Creative Guide and space- holders visible and honouring it fully 💜

 How do we do this? And how do we change the narrative and value- system around Creative Healing Work & develop a fuller valuing of art & the healing power of creative expression in our society and economy? 

Maybe a starting-point would include sharing more around our work or process, connecting with others offering similar work, doing the inner work on our value, getting comfortable with charging for our gifts, stepping into being seen more fully in all we offer, taking the time to find language that clearly describes the ‘invisible’ and powerful work we offer… maybe it requires all of this and more ♥️

So in the spirit of the above, and knowing many of my friends don’t know what I do, or why I invest weeks preparing for each offering, I’ve attempted to put language on what I do in preparing and holding my Painting Workshops🎨

My work is a way of life for me. It is an extension of who I am (sounds dramatic but is actually true!) In this sense, it keeps me alive, vital & connected to my meaning and joy in life. I spend weeks in preparation for each offering.

When creating a framework for using story to guide empowered expression, I combine my background in Intuitive Painting & extensive auric field meditation practices with my training in Intentional Creativity and facilitation with along with my lifelong love of Nature, history, teaching & research into story & healing to curate a space for each woman to feel deeply held in sacred space, and guided intuitively to access her own depth, wisdom, insight, expression & joy ✨

All while being in connection with others doing the same brave deep work 🧶🌊✨

I am a space-holder. My carefully created frameworks include themed content on the seasons to support our creative exploration, a safe space to share and be seen, inquiries to support insight and personal awareness, curated themes of her-story, Guided transformational meditation practices based on the energy field and rooted in the body, along with layered painting processes that combine Intuitive Art practice & the 13 steps of Intentional Creativity (c)

These frameworks are created from a space of deep listening with the intention of bringing into being the fullest, most empowered expression of self into form in image and word; and for each attendee to be deeply witnessed through this deep process of going deeply within and expressing their unique treasure outwards. (c)

This language will evolve as I grow in my awareness.

I feel its so important for us as Heart-led Creatives and healers to celebrate all we do, share, and offer, and take the time to curate language for that. This is honouring our gifts. And when we can do this, it gives others the opportunity to honour both what we offer and what they do to.

So I ask:

How do you honour the innate value of what is your gift to share?

Do you have language that describes and fully represents the value of your heart-led work?

If not, how might you alter this?

Do you have a structure for your offerings and gifts that naturally fits your vision?

I would be so honoured for you to share with me in the comments or via pm

Which brings me to next project in the making:

Building the Foundations of your Heart-led Business along the Celtic Wheel’ (c)

This will be a 10 membership group designed along the seasons cycle, with both practical mentorship & intuitive creative processes to support you to :

Get very clear on what your gifts and vision for your life and work are.

Create a structure & framework for what you offer that fits your unique vision.

Identify and define in clear language what your passion, purpose and offerings are.

Clearly describe your work, what it involves and who your clients are.

Explore ways to connect and collaborate with other heart-led creatives

Have a space to share your ideas, be witnessed and honoured in a group as you develop your vision and gifts.

Have the opportunity to get feedback from other heart-led creatives if desired.

Nourish yourself as you grow your business in sustainable and natural ways.

Honour your own creative cycle, and like Nature, honour the fallow periods of your process.

Bring rest and renewal into your way of work and life.

Take time to honour your personal creative process and what inspires you.

Create in a natural unforced way and share when you are inspired.

Honour your own rhythm, avoiding burn-out from relentless content sharing.

Dream into ways you can build and grow.

Be witnessed in and process the vulnerability that can emerge as you step fully into being seen in your work.

Heal aspects or patterns within that may hold you back from embracing your full value as an expressed, fully alive Creative.

Authentically share and connect with your community.

My approach with this mentorship offering will be a creative, intuitive and also practical one, where you will have the space to bring all of you on the journey of aligning your gifts, soul, essence, heart, expression and voice as you share your gifts with the world.

I will be sharing more as its structure emerges more fully for me.

Please do register your interest via pm if being part of this project calls to you

*This offerings is a culmination of my own journey and what I have learnt from guiding workshops, Circles, being in connection with other heart-led creatives.

It is also inspired by my own creative processes and inner listening to what wants to be shared through me, as well all I have learned from my long-time mentor Marie Perret & all I have learnt in my Color of Woman training (c) with Shiloh Sophia.

Honouring all the women who have shared their teachings and held space for me in reclaiming my wholeness.